Monday, 22 June 2009

Pantai Muara!

Hello, apa abar nya?

Kadiaku ani taisliur kan menulis dlm bahasa melayu ah, yatah ni. Bah enjoy tia cerita ku ani.

Tadi pagi aku bangun ani balik2 jua eh. Yatabah miani kisah ku ani nyamu. Pagi atu kan aku paksatah awal bangun, di malam lagi ku akhir tidur tu eh..becali bnar.
Yatahkan pagi2 buta atu tah ku terpaksa menungkat mata. Lapas atu membuka facebook tah ku pagi2 ah, chat jua ku ngan cousin ku. Lapas atu kan ada tia amah kami ani mengarik dari bawah, membariwatir lagi usulnya mengarik ani, nya urang nya 'Bagai ayam bwrtelur sebiji, riuh sekampung'. Aku ani gagas tah ku jua turun ingatkan tah apa. Rupanya amit sama babu ani sampai tia sudah kan mengangkut kami ani ke pantai, Perjalanan kami untuk ke pantai Muara pun diteruskan.

Setelah tiba di pantai, kami pun mula mengeluarkan naindah2an kami ani, kunun2 nya aku ani kana suruh mencari tampat tah ni, dui malai nda jua belurih eh..berabut bah, jangantah usulnya sunyi atu tapi ramai jua urang. Baik jua bisperanakan babu ku ani awal sudah datang ampit jua punduk. Abis durang ani masih di arah tampat paking ni kan mengangkat makanan. Sudah kami selesai, setel sudah. Mula tah kami ani kan menyalai2. Kami mandi pulang di laut, nda pulang kami menyalai. Lapas batah berandam di pantai, naik tah kami. Makan time!! otw kan kesana, nampak tah ku laki2 ani. Nyangku mcm kenal sja. Sekali sudah ampir baru tah ku kilala rupanya Bungsu anak-beranak makan. Setelah selesai menikmati jamuan yang telah disediakan, kami pun terus bermain, berlari, tertawa..eseh!

Lapas batah bejamur di bawah sinaran matahari yang terik..hehe aku pun naik tah, dlm pkul 3 kali. Minum ku bhapa dulu, lapas atu mandi..skalinya siap ku mandi ah, beceramin tah ni kadiaku ani. Sekalinya ku liat muha ku ani. Ya'rabbi!! nauzubillah bah hitam nya ah..Bakulaaat!!. Padahal beurapi sudah sunblock nda jua behasil, kan betukup, nda jua ada kan dipakai menukup muka ani.Hayya, hantam sajalah. Lapas ku siap kana suruh makan lagi kan, aku ON eh. Dahtu babu ku ani becerita taya pasal urg menapau ani. Ingatahku satu kisah ani..hehe nanti tah ku menceritakan. Sekali bepanyap tia kami ani, kan balik lah kununya ni. Ada tia Mr Mr Softy bah trak eskrem yang belagu2 ah..yatabah, ada tia menjangul batang idungnya. Singgah tia lagi cousin ku ani. Lapas atu batah tah kami lagi makan eskrem duduk2. ramai2 lagi tu eh! kiut.

Dahtu sudah di kerita otw balik atu. Ampar bah bilang urang kengalihan, banar jua tu dari pagi. Sudah sampai ke rumah aku mandi lagi ku sekali, rakat bah badan ah. Yatah kisah ku tu!

Di kesempatan ini saya, Md Mahyuddin ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana sudi membaca ceritaku yang serba kekurangan berbanding cerita tuan/puan pembaca sekalian.


Saturday, 20 June 2009

Last Thursday!


I wrote this right after i went home from Di Gadong hall in Ministry of youth, culture & sports. But the internet connection was, lets just say its not on my side!

I just got back from this show in MoYCS. It was a theatre production produced by the peeps from ISB. At first i went to SOAS and meet Mrs Kim (our drama teacher) so next we all went to this restaurant if im not mistaken its BCR kah or something. So we ate, we chat, we laugh and it was jolly good. The show starts at aroung 7 or so. So were off on our way there. When we arrived we were given the tickets by Mrs Kim, so we went in. There's a lot of caucasians. I was about to..nvm! So we sat down to watch the show. The show started with this young fellow. And this and that.

The show was sublime and the actors was splendid. Thats all i have to say. BTW the show was called, The boy who fell into a book!

Sincere X's and O's

Monday, 15 June 2009

In Serasa on Saturday

Hello my fellow readers!

I'm certainly happy because its the holidays. Well apparently i haven't posted the event that was happening on Saturday seeing that i was too lazy and tired to do it. Well apparently im stating the obvious.

The day started so very slooooww hahahaha! huh im still to lazy to do it. Okay here is what happened well not in full detail, that morning we did a 5km run around Serasa. Then after finished me and my peeps joined the treasure hunt we didn't win. Tough luck!. Okay so the day progressed constantly little laughter here and there push up here and there. Orders by that bastard..hmph!! Then that afternoon it was a scorcher thank god there's a calming breeze blowing from the sea..eseh!!

Firstly we ate our scrumptious, delicious, delicate burnt sausage. Well metaphorically speaking. Then it was boring..Then me and limin decided to go for a stroll then ada kmi jumpa this place like really private mcm pool usulnya. Then kmi turun then we jumped into the water mcm urg gila kami swimming 2 urg then i thot wouldn't it be nice if we walked slowly towards them, dripping wet, under the sun..baywatch much!!Then we did it and they were like "Mah!! ko jln sma aku" hahaha then rmai tia urg in our class jumped into the water hahaha!

Then we finished..long story lah! i can't tell you, you need to be there to really understand the whole was fun!! i took lotsa photos but malas ku taruh d sini its really tiring plus i already put it on my facebook album. Toodles


Thursday, 11 June 2009


Hey B!

Today is Thursday, obviously. So as i was saying, today we didn't do any studying, well except for economics and math. It was like a party in our class. Before break we had our PE and after that we just lounge around doing nothing. Our BM and POA teacher is not really that hard to persuade. So we did nothing for almost the whole day. Apparently i was super frisky and im bored so i took the liberty to take candid photos of my fellow comrades ..y'knw testing my "paparazzi" skills. Surprisingly nobody expected me of taking their photos.

Apparently as the minutes passed by of pure relaxation *really???* suddenly a burst of havoc strikes when they raped, yup you heard me raped my friend Afiq. Well not really raping him until he fell to disgrace and lost his untouched virginity. Just some silly rape where they strip him half naked. Well i have to admit it is rather enjoyable to watch, don't get me wrong but the humor and and craziness can really be sensed. Today was fun and i can't wait for Saturday, cos were having a beach party at Serasa. SERASA?? i know, not really the "party beach" but what do you expect its orders from the principal. Can't wait for the holidays.

If your wondering about the photos, well i want to upload it but im waaay too tired to do it. And plus i already uploaded it to facebook.

Countless X's and O's

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Class photo!

Bonjour my dearest peeps!

Today i woke up at like freakin 6!!! I totally was not i repeat NOT i repeat NOT in the mood. As i ponder the days pondering where did i go wrong. Well it could be because i slept late last night but then again it could be because my dad was freaking out at me because I was not studying much..Well fyi i studied productively every single day!!

To make matters worse today, of all the great and beautiful days there is in 2009! it has to be today! I was not even prepared for crying out loud I was shocked right then and there..your probably thinking 'Oh its just some freakin' exam' well its even worse.
its CLASS PHOTO DAY!! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Well can you imagine the horror?? of course not! its just a class photo, i mean its not a big deal!. Well its not. Wait, it is!. I just realized this today. I never look good in any class photo..which adds to the dilemma of this whole idea about "class photo". I wouldn't say that im not photogenic but i do have..a little.

Well my day did not end there..if i have to pay 10 cents for everything that made my day so bloody irritating, im practically broke! cos yeah today sucks! im not gonna mention why..because i do not wanna offend any individuals.

I know this might sound corny and cliche but tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning, a new chapter in the never ending book of my life..lets all pray that it's gonna be a wonderful, magical, whimsical, beautiful, priceless and all the words that i can't imagine. Like my friend told me this noon "Dunia ani berputar, manusia akan berubah dan hanya masa yang menentukan"

Infinite X's and incalculable O's

Monday, 8 June 2009

Happy b'day to my fellow peeps!

I just remembered this after i publish my previous post..yang di bawah ani!
As i was saying today is the 8th day of June and apparently today is my very, very, very close friends, brother, homies, partner in crime, peeps Md Halimin Hj Mumin..happy birthday brodaaa!! hahahaha it was a joyous day today the class looks like a party well actually everyday plg my class looks like a party..cos were party animals!! hahahahah anyways he brought food tia and we eat we talk we laugh and all the things that people do when there's a party oh and apparently he's 17..the big oneseven. ..oh i don't want to forget to mention that today is also my best homy, good friend, super peeps Burhan's b'day!! hahahahaha i almost forget about him. Happy Super-duper sweet 16 to you Bur!! Well since i haven't got the time to buy u guys a present so i decided to post your birthday DAY -.- in my blog for the world to read!!

Happy birthday..enjoy it you have until 12 o'clock.

Im simply back!

I would usually start with something rather arduous but im too tired too even think of a good topic to blog about. One thing is for sure, i haven't updated my blog since, well since the last time i updated it. I am really familiar with the term "Blog hopping" well i heard it from my beloved cousin of mine. She introduced me the whole concept. Blog hopping as i was speaking is defined as visiting few blogs that you think are really cool, written by people you can really relate to and you visit them regularly. These people feel a special bond towards each other and visit and comment on the blogs in their circle daily!.

When i do that 7 out of 10 would write something like this 'I haven't updated this blog for awhile and i really miss it' Im not saying its a bad thing, im just curios and just am taken by the whole idea of this 'phenomenon'. The real question i would like to ask is, Do you really miss updating it?. Enough of those i miss this and that shiggalo (i made that up). Moving on.. few days ago one of my fellow classmates said to me..

Imma stop there, i gotta go like seriously!!

No X's but maybe O's